
Top Microsoft engineer makes the hardest decision of his life and packs his bags for Google

A new page has been added to the annals of the bitter rivalry betwixt Microsoft and Google. Blaise Agüera y Arcas, a meridian engineer at Microsoft, will be leaving after seven years to piece of work on car learning at Google. Agüera y Arcas kickoff joined Microsoft equally a software architect when his company, Seadragon Software, was acquired by them. Since that time, he has been a major thespian in developing Bing Maps and Microsoft's Photosynth image software.

Agüera y Arcas said in a weblog post that his upcoming career alter was the "hardest decision of [his] life."

Google is a com­pany of m ambitions and bright people. On the other hand it has been hard— very difficult— to disassemble emotionally from Microsoft.  The company's leadership has been consistently good to me over these past eight years, and information technology has been a fourth dimension filled with inventiveness and growth and good friends.  It'southward painful to leave behind so many wonderful ongoing projects, and even more so to leave backside such a great team.

Microsoft spokesman, Adam Sohn, offered upwardly a gracious, albeit vanilla, response: "He was a great colleague and we wish him the best in his future endeavors."

Given the track record, 1 can imagine that Microsoft is pretty steamed well-nigh losing Agüera y Arcas to their chief rival. In the by, such defections have brought heated reactions from Redmond, like the example of Kai-Fu Lee, a Microsoft vice president who left to run a Google research facility in China. Microsoft sued Google, just to afterwards settle. Anecdotes from other personnel changes also include expletive-laden tirades, likewise every bit a chair being heaved across a room by CEO Steve Ballmer.

Agüera y Arcas' departure is a big loss for sure. Thankfully for Microsoft, one of his biggest projects, Photosynth, just finished upward a major new initiative. That will hopefully make the split sting a little less for Microsoft.

Source: New York Times, fashion is violence; Via: TheVerge


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